Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Getulio Vargas Foundation)
Cultural Center – Oscar Niemeyer Tower
Sept. 27th, 28th and 29th, 2016
Praia de Botafogo, 186
Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brazil
Subway / Matro Station: Estação Flamengo (exit Praia de Botafogo)
General theme: Knowledge Organization for a sustainable world: challenges and perspectives for cultural, scientific, and technological sharing in a connected society
Objectives: to discuss the challenges and perspectives in knowledge organization in relation to cultural diversity; to verify the state of the art of international research in knowledge organization; to identify differing perspectives of scientific dialog in the international environment of knowledge organization; to advance discussions on the current epistemological construction, interdisciplinary dialog, technological applications and the social dimension of knowledge organization;to provide international visibility of KO research.
Subthemes (but not restricted to them):
1. The epistemological dimension of knowledge organization (conceptual, historical, and/or methodological bases of KO as well as dialogs at the intersections of disciplines)
2. The applied dimension of knowledge organization (KO models, formats, tools, products, and structures)
3. Social and political dimension of knowledge organization (education and professional practice in KO, ethics in KO, culture and identity in KO, and KO for a sustainable development)
Important dates (deadlines):
- February 1st, 2016: Submissions of the extended abstract: up to 1500 words with citations (citations not included in word count) should be sent to:
- April, 1st, 2016: Notification of acceptance or rejection
- May 1st 2016: Submission of the final version of, formatted and print-ready accepted papers
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